UCD Professional Academy Diploma in Team Development for Success


Live Online Part-time

  • Beginning Thursday 26th September, 2024
  • One 3 hour live online evening class per week; 6:30pm to 9:30pm for 12 weeks

About the Course

Delve into the intricacies of team dynamics, developing your ability to channel diverse strengths towards unified goals. This course will equip you with a thorough understanding of team leadership essentials, from shaping a team’s mission to navigating complex interpersonal dynamics. Expanding into related skills such as mentoring or coaching, you will learn to inspire, engage, and motivate team members through effective communication as well as established techniques and tools.

A significant aspect of this course is its emphasis on emotional intelligence (EQ) to improve team performance and build relationships. This is an important capability that you will develop in yourself as you explore its impact on team efficacy and strengthen your own self-awareness, self-management, and emotional reasoning. Learn to craft and convey compelling visions that resonate with team members and develop the capability to transform potential conflict into constructive dialogue. Reflect on and refine your own leadership style and practice the nuances of motivational communication and strategic team development.

Structured around interactive modules that blend theoretical knowledge with real-world application, the course provides deep, hands-on understanding of team leadership practices, ensuring that you emerge with both the ability and confidence to apply them in your professional setting. By the end of your journey, you will have acquired the capabilities to steer teams towards success, inspire peak performance, and cultivate a collaborative culture, setting you on a course for long-term professional fulfilment.


This course is assessed through two written assignments. The first is an action learning log (worth 40% of your assessment) that captures how your understanding of team development has evolved during the course. The second assignment (worth 60%) allows you to apply what you have learned to solve a real-world problem or pain point in your professional context.

Your UCD Professional Academy Diploma will be issued electronically on a secure platform, with a link that you can share with employers and others wishing to verify your credentials. You’ll also be able to add the certification to your LinkedIn profile to demonstrate your achievement to your network as well as recruiters and potential employers searching for individuals with your skills and experience.

This programme is not on the National Framework of Qualifications.


This course is suitable for professionals at any level, in any function, in any industry. You do not need specific qualifications to apply, and you will not be learning technical skills such as programming. This course focuses on the knowledge and vocabulary of AI, taking a broad view of its use across industries, geographies, and functions. Learners should have a general understanding of business operations and be interested in the subject matter.

UCD Professional Academy and CPD Hours

Drawing on UCD’s educational pedigree and addressing a specific demand in the workplace we have created the UCD Professional Academy to focus on shorter, practical, skills-based courses with more specific business objectives. We add value to employee training, driving high rates of staff engagement, with more versatile practical learning outcomes. We deliver practical training solutions, specifically designed to meet today’s business needs and our professional courses are not on the NFQ.

Please allow me share the current stance on CPD allocation as agreed with the Academic Director here at UCD PA and perhaps this may help explain how are courses provide benefits:

Upon successful completion, participants are awarded a certificate which details the commitment involved, which in the case of most courses is 36 hours. This allows HR departments to make a determination as to the allocation of CPD points for successful completion of our courses, according to their own internal CPD systems.

Courses are also assessed in line with the Professional Academy’s quality standards, and grades are confirmed on the certificate itself.
The Professional Academy Diploma is not on the National Framework of Qualifications as a credit bearing course. This is standard practice for professional courses of this nature where the need is for fresh and actionable skills (in a shorter form course) that are demonstrated immediately in the workplace.

About this Form

The purpose of this booking form is to gather profile information about participants on programmes funded by Skillnet Ireland from the National Training Fund through the Department of Education & Skills (DES). Only aggregated participant data will be reported to the DES.

As an ongoing quality control measure and to ensure the highest possible standard of training, courses may be inspected from time to time.

12 weeks, 1 evening per week
Start & Finish Time
Members Fee
Non-Members Fee