ChatGPT for Marketing


Course Dates

Iteration 1

  • Day 1: Tuesday 17th September – 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Online
  • Day 2: Tuesday 24th September – 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Online
  • Day 3: Tuesday 1st October – 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Online
  • Day 4: Tuesday 8th October – 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Online

Iteration 2

  • Day 1: Monday 7th October – 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Online
  • Day 2: Monday 14th October – 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Online
  • Day 3: Wednesday 23rd October – 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Online
  • Day 4: Wednesday 30th October – 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Online

About This Course

ChatGPT is the talk of the world right now. It is a revolutionary AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology that can be used in many ways with day-to-day business & marketing activities. Attend this programme and find out how you can use ChatGPT in your business to reduce costs and time spent on day-to-day tasks.


This webinar will give the attendees a detailed overview of ChatGPT and other AI systems and enable them to streamline processes and tasks using AI.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the webinar, each participant will:

  • Know what ChatGPT is and how it is evolving
  • Be able to use ChatGPT to aid with content planning, marketing and daily business tasks

Course Content

Module 1

  • What is ChatGPT – what does it mean for the future of business and marketing
  • Using AI to find out more about your customers and how to market to them
  • Using AI to aid with website content planning & development and SEO.
  • Writing case studies and blogs using AI
  • Creating customised blog and case study prompts for your business

Module 2: Using ChatGPT in social media:

  • Planning a social media content calendar
  • Writing impactful bios and LinkedIn headlines and about section
  • Using ChatGPT/Canva Magic Write and Canva Bulk Create together to create content in bulk
  • Creating customised social media ChatGPT prompts

Module 3

  • Using ChatGPT and other AI tools to help with planning and creating email marketing campaigns.
  • Creating ChatGPT customised prompts for your email marketing
  • Using ChatGPT to analyse analytics and insights reports (Advanced Data Analysis tool)

Module 4

  • Other AI tools that will assist with marketing tasks and day-to-day business
  • Ways to use ChatGPT to streamline and speed up day-to-day tasks
  • Creating reports, procedure & policy documents etc.
  • Top prompts to use to get the most out of ChatGPT for general day-to-day tasks
  • Tools to test for plagiarism

The purpose of this booking form is to gather profile information about participants on programmes funded by Skillnet Ireland from the National Training Fund through the Department of Education & Skills (DES). Only aggregated participant data will be reported to the DES.

As an ongoing quality control measure and to ensure the highest possible standard of training, courses may be inspected from time to time.

4X 2.5 sessions
Start & Finish Time
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Members Fee
Non-Members Fee